That was Kellner's trademark: no one thought of the man as the identity of the airline, in stark contrast with his predecessor, the larger- and louder-than-life Gordon Bethune. Everyone knew Bethune, and when he walked through an airport, folks ran up to Bethune, almost like the faithful flocking to a church leader, eager to kiss his ring.
But what Kellner did was extraordinary: he kept Continental in the top ranks of performers, both in financial and operational terms, he managed its transition from the SkyTeam to the star Alliance, and he avoided a rush to a merger. These days, survival is a major achievement, and Continental did a lot more than survive.
But what Kellner did was extraordinary: he kept Continental in the top ranks of performers, both in financial and operational terms, he managed its transition from the SkyTeam to the star Alliance, and he avoided a rush to a merger. These days, survival is a major achievement, and Continental did a lot more than survive.
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