Mark Malkoff, a self-described comedian and fearful flyer from New York, just celebrated his “half-way point” of 15 days of residence on the fleet. To push the fact that the airline offers wireless Internet service, Malkoff is posting updates about his trip on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and on his blog, http://www.markonairtran.com/.
We're sorry, but we don't see the link. You have the internet on your planes, so you're letting a guy live on board? Where's the tie-in?
We also have to note that Malkoff, who has pulled stunts such as visiting every Starbucks in Manhattan in less than a day and living in IKEA for a week, says he washes up in the on-board bathroom. Then, he says, he helps the flight attendants greet passengers as they board.
Okay, would you like to be greeted by a grandstander who hasn't showered in two weeks? (Malkoff says he just got his first shower, from an emergency crew at a Michigan airport.)
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